Are you ready to feel confident and supported helping your clients with Testamentary Trusts?

Join us in 
The TT Precedents Club!

I'm in!

Are you ready to feel confident and supported helping your clients with Testamentary Trusts?

Join us in 
The TT Precedents Club!


I'm in!

The TT Precedents Club is a private membership for Australian lawyers who want to feel confident and supported when advising on and preparing testamentary trust wills.

If you:

Would love to start offering testamentary trust wills to your clients but imposter syndrome is creeping in and you have no idea where to start

Have some niggling doubts about the quality of your precedents and whether you really understand all those pages and pages of clauses

Wish you had a friend to call on when you needed to bounce around a problem or a second set of eyes on a clause or strategy

...The TT Precedents Club is for you.

How does it work?


  • Join the private Facebook group only for members in the club and connect with an elite community of lawyers who are passionate about TTs, just like you

  • Receive direct support from Tara Lucke in our weekly hot seat zoom meeting, where you submit your questions in advance and have them answered live


  • Save 10% off my Testamentary Trust Precedent Packages

  • If you’ve already bought my Testamentary Trust Precedents, get free precedent updates while you remain in the club


  • Free quarterly training on technical and practical topics designed to help you turn up the dial on your estate planning business and deepen your estate planning mastery

  • Save 20% off The Art of Estate Planning online course

Hear what our customers are saying


Tara your Art of Estate Planning has changed my practice and my life. I know this sounds super gushy and over the top, but it is true.

I have grown so much as an estate planning solicitor since joining up and using your precedents. I listen to your hot seats religiously but am currently doing some study with the College of Law which clashes with the actual live hot seats.

Thanks to you and Carrie for everything you bring to estate planning and for our amazing community.


I’ve just joined the TT Precedents Club and I’ve started listening to some of the hot seat replays and I can’t express how grateful I am to you for all of this. I’ve predominately been a government lawyer for my career and it is life-changing being able to hear/watch you answer so many of the questions that I’ve been struggling with myself. The info available within the TT Precedents Club is giving me the support & confidence I feel I need to make this slow change (emphasis on a slow!) to a sole practitioner - especially where, as a female lawyer, I am naturally plagued with self-doubt and the fear of risk. Thank you so much and can’t wait to be able to get my hands on your precedent packages soon!


Because of your community I was able to meet and connect with a lawyer who is now a wonderful close friend and who I know I can trust to look after my business if I cannot, and after slogging away alone for quite a number of years with no professional network or community to speak of, you have no idea how much it means to me to have found one now.   Thank you x a million still wouldn’t be enough.

It’s suitable for practitioners with all levels of experience, including:

Students and new grads

Hit the ground running with the knowledge and practical skills you need for your estate planning matters. 

Tap into weekly group coaching to get peer review on your drafting and a second opinion on your strategy recommendations.

Connect with mentors and build your network in the estate planning industry.

Experienced professionals

Hone your skills as part of a succession law brains trust that establishes you as an estate planning specialist. 

Connect with a community of likeminded estate planning nerds and use our weekly hot seats as a sounding board for your crazy estate planning ideas.

Those returning to work or moving into estate planning

Step into your new role with confidence that you have access to peer review when you need it, whilst building your network of estate planning colleagues.

Use our drafting clausebank and on-demand training library to brush up on technical topics.

Hear what our customers are saying



So I have set up my relatively new practice (solo) and am really stoked to be a member of the TT club! Really helps feels less isolated and part of a community of learning!


The TT Precedents Club is amazing, and I highly recommend it to all EP lawyers! The resources provided by Tara and ideas shared by other members of the club have really helped boost my confidence in providing advice on and drafting EP documents for my own clients. Whether you're using Tara’s precedents (which I also highly recommend) or your own, the guidance provided on drafting is second to none. Get yourself in the club or on the waitlist – you won’t regret it!


I have found the TT Precedents Club very valuable so far!  Thank you for creating an awesome group of like minded individuals passionate about estate planning.  I am a sole practitioner, and although I have admin staff, it is great to have a space to discuss estate planning issues that arise with other knowledgeable solicitors.


Join us in the VIP lounge of The TT Precedents Club!  The weekly hot seat sessions with likeminded lawyers is definitely worth it. Bring your questions, share your expertise and be surrounded by trail blazers and industry shakers in the estate planning speciality.


Thank you Tara.  I really do think I have found "my place" and all has lead to this right where I am now, especially with having you and the TT Club and the community you have created. 

For so long it's always been that I would just settle for how the firms up here "do law"...

You have created a movement Tara - you really have. 


The Art of Estate Planning and The TT Precedents Club feels like I have found my people after stumbling around on my own in the dark.

Are you ready to feel confident and supported when advising your clients on Testamentary Trusts?

I'm in!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why The TT Precedents Club?

Hi, I’m Tara.

Founder of The Art of Estate Planning and (self-proclaimed) Queen of Wills.

I want to share my story about why I created The TT Precedents Club.

I started my estate planning career in 2007 at a very large Eagle Street law firm in Brisbane, in what we called the Structuring division. Structuring lawyers specialised in estate planning, trusts, tax and asset protection. But we mostly did estate planning.  We weren’t called the estate planning division, because there was another team of about 20 people who only did estate planning. So they claimed that title.  And we weren’t called the tax team, because same thing – we had another team of about 20 people who only did tax. So we called ourselves Structuring.

Back then I didn’t realise how lucky I was to learn on the job in a firm with such deep expertise and specialisation.  If there was something I didn’t know - chances are one of the other 50 estate planning or tax lawyers on the firm could help.  We wrote our own precedents.  We drafted submissions about proposed legislative changes. We attended weekly breakfast technical training.  I just thought that was the norm.

I spent 8 years at that firm where I went from novice to expert, before breaking away with 3 other colleagues to start a boutique estate planning law firm, feeling tired and disillusioned with the politics of large law firms.

I was a proud partner at our new firm, overseeing the online estate planning division, sending out around 10 estate plans a day. Again, we rewrote all our own precedents. Again I thought that was the norm.  I spent another 4 years there before it was time to do my own thing to create The Art of Estate Planning.

And despite all of this estate planning experience, when it was time for me to leave and go out on my own - I was scared.  Imposter syndrome crept in, telling me that I would have no support, no one to bounce ideas off, and that I didn’t know what I was doing.  I got over it pretty quickly, but it was there.  I joined The Nexus Law Group, rewrote my precedents AGAIN, and started thriving in my new law environment.  I found support in The Art of Estate Planning community. 

I see you - the new wave of estate planning lawyers.  Sole practitioners determined to do estate planning better. Lawyers in small firms who are doing their best to serve their clients with testamentary trusts despite not having access to the resources and depth of expertise of a large CBD firm.  I love what you’re doing and I want to support you. 

The TT precedents club is for YOU. You are not alone.  If you want to bounce an idea off me - if you would feel more confident with another set of eyes on a clause - if you need precedents you can rely on.  Your clients deserve high quality TT advice and documents, and you deserve to feel confident and supported while serving them.

Have a question for Tara about whether The TT Precedents Club is right for you?


Get in touch